Tuesday, August 31, 2010

step one

today ive been very productive, opened a new bank account, and began the cleansing of my new space in columbia. yummmmy.

i walked downtown and got some coffee, and met a really cool guy whos a local artist, he gave me a local blacksmith/ metal artist's name and number,
now i have a resource to learn how to work with metals! yessssss

i have become very eager to learn more about the earth and what it has to provide for humans

im very interested in learning more about the flow of energies in rooms/houses (feng shui), as well as aromatherapy, and the raw diet
this all being sparked by interest in crystals, and their wide range of healing properties


Monday, August 30, 2010

columbia mo

back to the routine of things, summers over, and schools in
time for me to get to the nitty gritty of my brainstorming

my diet has been going great, i really have turned over a new leaf with my eating habits,
raw food is whats up, i feel 20x better when i eat fruits and vegetables, then all that Americanized- overly processed food, thank god!

my body is finally to the point where i can notice the change, and it feels SO GOOOOD

theres talk of going down to fayetteville arkansas, & a little farm trip with my gals this week,
as well as, this upcoming weekend, i will make the trek to chi-city, for North Coast Music Festival, to see some prime music, such as...
:The Disco Biscuits
:Umphreys Mcgee
:Pretty lights
:The New Deal
:Two Fresh
:& some amazing collaborations at the after-show!
the festival is sold-out, so im ready for some people watching-and inspiration!!!!!!!!

my goal is to start updating everyday again, keep checkin in!

Thursday, August 26, 2010